Here at Bore Place we have been enjoying the early signs of spring. Blossom is blooming on the trees, bluebells are on the way, and our meadow will soon be carpeted in wildflowers.
Now is an exciting time to get outside and explore your local wild areas, we’ve compiled a list of our favourite signs of spring for you to seek out:
1. Dawn Chorus
Head out for a walk an hour before sunrise and you will be treated to the full glory of the dawn chorus. Late April and May when the weather is fine is the best time to experience this phenomenon. Our resident birds are now beginning to be joined by our summer migrants so listen out for the chiffchaff singing its own name from the bushes, and the beautiful song of the nightingale.

2. Toads and Frogs
Throughout April and May check your local ponds for toad and frog spawn, and their tadpoles which can sometimes be seen swarming near the surface. If you’re heading out in the evening listen out for frogs and toads croaking. The fantastic Bough beech volunteers recently found 200 toads during one of their amphibian surveys!